How to find the most relevant links to boost your SERP rank?

It goes without saying that every organization is trying to rank higher in SERPs. And the reason for doing so is quite obvious — you’re certain to get a lot of clicks, which will generate more traffic to your website. And this means increased business opportunities for brands.

Ranking top in the SERPs improves your credibility, authority, and reliability. Besides, there are ample other benefits and that is why it is such a big deal for enterprises to rank top.

Therefore, how to rank on top in SERPs is always one of the most prevalent questions in SEO. However, ranking on top is quite challenging for, mostly, two reasons — i) you're going to face enormous competition and ii) it’s a constant and evolving process — that is to say, once you do get into the top result, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to stay there. You have to constantly fight to stay there.

That, of course, didn’t mean to discourage you. In fact, in this article, we’re going to tell you how to do it. There are several ways to boost your SERP rank, but here we’ll put emphasis on doing it through finding the most relevant links.

Many want to implement link building — as it is a pretty effective way — to get to the top of SERPs. But as it turns out most of them are doing it the wrong way or they don’t know how to do it properly. And in all honesty, there are so many factors that affect SEO.

One thing to note here is — neither the quantity nor the quality of your links is enough to determine its success.

Let’s get to the point now — how can you find the most relevant links to boost your ranking in SERP?

We’ll discuss three proven ways of achieving a ranking boost in SERPs through link building here.

1. Build link on pages having some established presence in SERPs

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”

I think this quote by American minister Norman Vincente Peale is quite appropriate to explain this.

It simply means that you should try to build links on pages that are ranking high in search results for your targeted keywords. The reason for doing this is those pages already have strong SEO as they’ve already built plenty of links. And as they’re ranking top in SERPs means they are likely to get more traffic than those below them. So, when you secure a link on such pages, you’ll get more SEO value.

Now you must be thinking — how will you know about such pages? Well, you can get that information with the help of various tools like — Ahrefs, Screaming Frog, Google Search Console, SEOquake, Google Trends, etc.

2. Implement broken link building

This strategy involves getting links via dead links. There are certain tools and browser extensions available like CheckMyLinks for Chrome that can tell you whether a page has dead or broken links.

Search for pages in your domain and run a scan on them with the help of the aforementioned tools. When you find any broken or dead links. Contact the author or the person who runs that website saying that you have found a broken/dead link on one of their pages and you’ve posted similar content that could serve as a good replacement for the broken/dead link.

3. Perform analysis on the referring domains that outrank yours

If you have the same domain ranking as your rivals’, then you should consider building links of similar quality as theirs. This is perhaps the most straightforward way of ranking your page in the top search results.


However, in case your domain ranking is lower than your rivals, you need to build more links. Now, for doing that you need to know where your competitors have built links. Ahrefs’ Link Intersect tool can assist you in compiling a list.


Links are still one of the most vital aspects from an SEO perspective. Therefore, ignoring links can hurt your SEO performance. And, by all means, link building is a complex process because not all of them are created equal and not all of them perform in the same way.

Sometimes a few quality links can boost your ranking, other times the quantity of links works well. And at times it could be a combination of both.

We’ve already seen the three proven ways of getting the most relevant links. But you shouldn’t just stick to them or any particular strategy and hope that you’ll get results. The key is to blend and diversify your link building strategies and methods.

The more natural and creative your links appear to search engines the better.


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